According to information received here, the last year's quarterfinalist- Delhi asserted its supermacy from start of the proceedings when Mahender put his side 1-0 ahead off a well-measured through pass from out-side-left Parveen Rawat in the fifth mintute of initial half.
Down by one goal, Nagaland team settled immediately to thwart formidable Delhi's onslaughts initiating by medios from both flanks to keep their strong rivals Delhi at bay to take any other advantage.
On changing ends, Mahender Kumar again capitalised on a nice cross sent by left full-back Vikas Rawat to consolidate lead to 2-0 in 68th mintue of the game.
Delhi meets Himachal Pradesh next on May 14 and will take on Odissia in last league encounter on May 16 before qualifying for pre-quartersfinal knock-out match.